Monday, May 16, 2011


It’s a fact: I love coffee. I go to a coffee house at least once a week and there’s no place I’d rather be. But on those days that I cannot access a house of caffienated goodness, I settle with canned doubleshots and the like.
Now. I only really try to get the canned kind when I really need it. Like the other day, when I woke up at 7 30 for work, when I usually wake up at 9 or 10. My mother delivered some sweet necture of energy and I was eternally greatful.

My problem with caffiene is that I don’t think it effects me the first few sips, or the entire drink.

So, after much thought, I’ll continue to drink the entire 24 oz. beverage or purchase another. This ultimately is a bad idea.

This is when the caffiene high kicks in. I feel like I can do anything in the world. I’ll put films up at work 10 times faster, clean my whole room, clean something in the house, or play with my cat and laugh uncontrollably like I’m on drugs.

Then shit gets real. The good, energized shakey goes away and the bad, come down shakey starts to emerge. Pretty much, I need another coffee or I’m just going to die.

Once this sets in, I’m just a goggy mess. Too tired and worn out, I just sit there like a pile of crap. At this point I should probably just sleep it off, but no. I torture myself and stay awake into the wee hours of the morn.

Long story short, I drink way too much thinking it didn’t effect me and then way overdo it. It’s the same story with alcohol. Coffee and rum, my weaknesses. But rum is a different story for another day.

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